Introduction to 3D Game …ogramming with DirectX 12
Chapter 23 Character Animation
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// Default.hlsl by Frank Luna (C) 2015 All Rights Reserved.
// Defaults for number of lights.
#define NUM_DIR_LIGHTS 3
// Include common HLSL code.
#include "Common.hlsl"
struct VertexIn
float3 PosL : POSITION;
float3 NormalL : NORMAL;
float2 TexC : TEXCOORD;
float3 TangentL : TANGENT;
#ifdef SKINNED
float3 BoneWeights : WEIGHTS;
uint4 BoneIndices : BONEINDICES;
struct VertexOut
float4 PosH : SV_POSITION;
float4 ShadowPosH : POSITION0;
float4 SsaoPosH : POSITION1;
float3 PosW : POSITION2;
float3 NormalW : NORMAL;
float3 TangentW : TANGENT;
float2 TexC : TEXCOORD;
VertexOut VS(VertexIn vin)
VertexOut vout = (VertexOut)0.0f;
// Fetch the material data.
MaterialData matData = gMaterialData[gMaterialIndex];
#ifdef SKINNED
float weights[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
weights[0] = vin.BoneWeights.x;
weights[1] = vin.BoneWeights.y;
weights[2] = vin.BoneWeights.z;
weights[3] = 1.0f - weights[0] - weights[1] - weights[2];
float3 posL = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float3 normalL = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float3 tangentL = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
// Assume no nonuniform scaling when transforming normals, so
// that we do not have to use the inverse-transpose.
posL += weights[i] * mul(float4(vin.PosL, 1.0f), gBoneTransforms[vin.BoneIndices[i]]).xyz;
normalL += weights[i] * mul(vin.NormalL, (float3x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.BoneIndices[i]]);
tangentL += weights[i] * mul(vin.TangentL.xyz, (float3x3)gBoneTransforms[vin.BoneIndices[i]]);
vin.PosL = posL;
vin.NormalL = normalL;
vin.TangentL.xyz = tangentL;
// Transform to world space.
float4 posW = mul(float4(vin.PosL, 1.0f), gWorld);
vout.PosW = posW.xyz;
// Assumes nonuniform scaling; otherwise, need to use inverse-transpose of world matrix.
vout.NormalW = mul(vin.NormalL, (float3x3)gWorld);
vout.TangentW = mul(vin.TangentL, (float3x3)gWorld);
// Transform to homogeneous clip space.
vout.PosH = mul(posW, gViewProj);
// Generate projective tex-coords to project SSAO map onto scene.
vout.SsaoPosH = mul(posW, gViewProjTex);
// Output vertex attributes for interpolation across triangle.
float4 texC = mul(float4(vin.TexC, 0.0f, 1.0f), gTexTransform);
vout.TexC = mul(texC, matData.MatTransform).xy;
// Generate projective tex-coords to project shadow map onto scene.
vout.ShadowPosH = mul(posW, gShadowTransform);
return vout;
float4 PS(VertexOut pin) : SV_Target
// Fetch the material data.
MaterialData matData = gMaterialData[gMaterialIndex];
float4 diffuseAlbedo = matData.DiffuseAlbedo;
float3 fresnelR0 = matData.FresnelR0;
float roughness = matData.Roughness;
uint diffuseMapIndex = matData.DiffuseMapIndex;
uint normalMapIndex = matData.NormalMapIndex;
// Dynamically look up the texture in the array.
diffuseAlbedo *= gTextureMaps[diffuseMapIndex].Sample(gsamAnisotropicWrap, pin.TexC);
// Discard pixel if texture alpha < 0.1. We do this test as soon
// as possible in the shader so that we can potentially exit the
// shader early, thereby skipping the rest of the shader code.
clip(diffuseAlbedo.a - 0.1f);
// Interpolating normal can unnormalize it, so renormalize it.
pin.NormalW = normalize(pin.NormalW);
float4 normalMapSample = gTextureMaps[normalMapIndex].Sample(gsamAnisotropicWrap, pin.TexC);
float3 bumpedNormalW = NormalSampleToWorldSpace(normalMapSample.rgb, pin.NormalW, pin.TangentW);
// Uncomment to turn off normal mapping.
//bumpedNormalW = pin.NormalW;
// Vector from point being lit to eye.
float3 toEyeW = normalize(gEyePosW - pin.PosW);
// Finish texture projection and sample SSAO map.
pin.SsaoPosH /= pin.SsaoPosH.w;
float ambientAccess = gSsaoMap.Sample(gsamLinearClamp, pin.SsaoPosH.xy, 0.0f).r;
// Light terms.
float4 ambient = ambientAccess*gAmbientLight*diffuseAlbedo;
// Only the first light casts a shadow.
float3 shadowFactor = float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
shadowFactor[0] = CalcShadowFactor(pin.ShadowPosH);
const float shininess = (1.0f - roughness) * normalMapSample.a;
Material mat = { diffuseAlbedo, fresnelR0, shininess };
float4 directLight = ComputeLighting(gLights, mat, pin.PosW,
bumpedNormalW, toEyeW, shadowFactor);
float4 litColor = ambient + directLight;
// Add in specular reflections.
float3 r = reflect(-toEyeW, bumpedNormalW);
float4 reflectionColor = gCubeMap.Sample(gsamLinearWrap, r);
float3 fresnelFactor = SchlickFresnel(fresnelR0, bumpedNormalW, r);
litColor.rgb += shininess * fresnelFactor * reflectionColor.rgb;
// Common convention to take alpha from diffuse albedo.
litColor.a = diffuseAlbedo.a;
return litColor;